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Tourist attractions

Geoje Haegeumgang Islets (Scenic Spot No. 2)

Geoje Haegeumgang Islets (Scenic Spot No. 2) file Image

Geoje Haegeumgang Islets (Scenic Spot No. 2) file Image

Basic information

  • AddressSan 1, Galgot-ri, Nambu-myeon
  • Tel


An uninhabited island located in the southern sea of Haegeumgang Village, its original name is Galdo. It is called Geoje Haegeumgang, meaning Geumgangsan Mountain of the sea. It creates various sceneries, washed and worn by the waves over many years. Manmulsang Rocks, sculpted by the sea on high cliffs and Sipjadonggul (Cross Cave) offer magnificent views

The sunrise through the gaps between the rocks is also fantastic. You can go sightseeing on cruise ships. It was designated as Scenic Spot No. 2 in 1971 for its remarkable natural landscape.

Geoje Haegeumgang Islets (Scenic Spot No. 2) 저작물은 자유이용을 불가합니다.

Geoje Haegeumgang Islets (Scenic Spot No. 2) 저작물은 자유이용을 불가합니다.

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