Haman Marketplace Beef Soup Served with Rice

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Haman Marketplace Beef Soup Served with Rice

Haman-Gun where the breath of Ara Gaya can be felt. As it proves its long history, there are affluent places for sightseeing such as Ara ancient tombs, Dasan-ri stone Buddha statue and Mae Buddha statue at Mt. Bangyeo in Haman. In addition, the marketplace beef soup served with rice that has red rice and refreshing taste had developed earlier in Haman.

When it comes to this marketplace, we think of the beef soup served with rice. A bowl of beef soup served with rice in the crowed marketplace. It should be the best food that can appease our hunger and fatigue.

Good Korean beef is the beginning of the good beef soup served with rice. Plenty of fresh beef in the soup~~ The spicy Haman-style beef soup served with rice is finished with the meat broth broiled un to when the white soup is brewed and added with beef blood and bean sprouts.

Haman is famous for its beef soup served with rice. It uses only cow beef and is seasoned with traditional soy sauce to make it refreshing and tasty. If you visit Haman, don't forget to taste marketplace beef soup served with rice with your family~~

Simple-looking but perfect meal! The red colored soup and spicy taste fits perfectly well in Gyeongsangdo appetite that prefers spicy food. Added with fresh raw meat and soft ribs, there is no match for this perfect food in the world.

The spicy taste reminded of by the wind blowing! If you mis the spicy soup, don't forget Haman marketplace beef soup served with rice.

I'm a ten-year old regular customer. If you visit Haman, you shouldn't miss the marketplace beef soup. It's really tasty. Come to Haman to taste marketplace beed soup served with rice~~~